Music & Performing Arts Education for Schools in the Seattle area
Learn about Programs and Partnerships at MMPA that help schools in the Seattle area acquire access and funding for Music & Performing Arts Education.
Reach out to customize an outreach class for your group!
Our after school outreach programs typically run 60-90 minutes on a weekly basis for 8-12 weeks.
Mode offers enrichment classes for ages K-8 after school in music, theatre, and dance. We are also available during school hours to partner with teachers and collaborate within their academic unit.
Please reach out for our class lists and pricing.
To arrange for a class at your school, contact us at (206)-659-0463 or outreach@modemusicandperformingarts.org
Interested in our After School Enrichment Programs?
The Benefits of Arts Education
The research is clear! Music & Performance Arts Education is beneficial to all students, and the benefits live on into adulthood.
Students involved in Arts programs are 3 times more likely to achieve academically and to participate in school events, competitions, youth groups, or community service. These students typically outperform their peers on the SAT.
Neurodiverse students with Dyslexia, Autism, speech and visual issues will see improvements to motor skills, memory, speech impediments, and confidence.
Students in the arts are also 44% less likely to use drugs than their peers.
Proud to be partnered with Creative Advantage
Access our talented teachers and find Financial Support for schools through the Creative Advantage Program.
MMPA is proud to be a part of the Creative Advantage roster! This membership approves our staff and arts curriculum to be used in Seattle Public Schools.
Our MMPA school program brings teaching artists into the classroom to assist public school teachers during the school day by integrating arts into the established curriculum. We are also able to provide after-school arts enrichment classes independently taught by MMPA staff.
Creative Advantage currently gives multi-year funding to schools whose arts budgets have been reduced, so all students have equal access to performing arts classes.
If you feel your school would benefit from our programming, and may have access to Creative Advantage funding, please pass along our roster link below.